Dolly and ME

Dolly and ME
Hi, I'm Kara and I care for YOU

Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

ebooks for well-being

Special - buy one and get one FREE

Here you will find easy-to-do self-help tips to balance stress and acidity, to boost fertility, to find inner peace and contact your inner voice. 

Karin is a well-being coach and teacher of the new consciousness. In her e-books she emphasizes a holistic approach to more well-being based on loving AWARENESS, conscious BREATHING, balanced NUTRITION and gentle EXERCISE. The series is called “the easiness of being”. As synonym for this easiness she chose a butterfly. So let the butterfly take you into the easiness of being and discover the secrets of inner balance … 

The following volumes are available as e-book (as PDF file, also in German language), please oder via email at

volume 1 
„Balance body and mind – Ayurveda and stress“

Step 1 Your bioenergies – balance them
Step 2 The small abc of stress management
Step 3 Inner balance especially for women
Step 4 Be happy – overcome anger and worrying
Step 5 Holistic lifestyle for body and mind

This book is a practical approach to well-being. It is a based on the ancient wisdom of longevity, called „Ayurveda“. This wisdom has been broadened with modern knowledge about stress management – especially a chapter about inner balance for women.

All of this knowledge assists you in understanding and balancing your personal bioenergy. „A caterpillar turns into a butterfly ...” is a synonym for the bioenergy hidden inside each of us. As soon as this bioenergetic power has been balanced, it will enable us to much better handle stress and live a life full of harmony and well-being ...

Let us take responsibility for our life NOW. Responsibility also means more liberty. The more we are aware of our thoughts and emotions and the more we consciously choose our life's circumstances, the more patient and caring we become with ourselves and others. In turn this inner balance will mirror itself in a more balanced relationship and outer world ...

Reducing stress and well-being are not unreachable goals, but rather the result of self-responsible and conscious living. Then there is no necessity for anger, disease or fighting. The more we are in our individual balance the more relaxed and happier we are. This book provides you ample food for thought and many practical tips for your personal transformation to more well-being and less stress …  energy exchange 15 USD

volume 2
„Enjoy your food – Ayurveda and acidity“

Step 1 Your bioenergies – balance them
Step 2 Avoiding acidity - the cause of disease
Step 3 Nutrition made easy

This book is a natural approach to more health. It is a based on the ancient wisdom of longevity, called „Ayurveda“. This wisdom has been broadened with modern knowledge about balanced nutrition and avoiding acidity, the general but hidden cause of disease.

Today most of us encounter more or less acidity of our body. Did you know for example that not only some food but also medicinal products, too much sport and electric smog create acidity in the body? You will receive many useful hints how to balance and avoid acidity. You will also find some recipes, so have fun trying them. After all it is so easy to stay in balance: be aware what your body needs and no matter what you eat, enjoy it ...  energy exchange 15 USD

volume 3 
„Natural health from A to Z – Ayurveda and ailments“  in preparation
This book is a holistic approach to more health. It is a based on the ancient wisdom of longevity, called „Ayurveda“. This wisdom has been broadened with modern knowledge about nutrition, tissue salts, Bach Flower Remedy and the orthomolecular therapy (all about vitamins and minerals).

In the hectical world of today many people feel exhausted and stressed, are nervous and suffer from sleeplessness, or they tend to overweight and have an unnatural high level of acidity in their body. People encounter many different symptoms as their bioenergies are out off the natural balance. Did you know:
  • that it is helpful to avoid dairy and wheat products while you are sick, as they cool the body and increase the mucus in the body,
  • that a glass of luke warm water and fresh lemon juice drunken first thing in the morning, gently cleanses your body,
  • that losing weight starts in the mind and
  • that Tibetan incense can ease rheumatic pain?
You will find many natural cures for the most common ailments such as allergies, colds, digestion, headache, low blood pressure, rheumatism, slow metabolism, you name it. The recommendations are easy-to-do and support your body to cleanse and balance itself ...   energy exchange 15 USD

volume 4 
„The moon is feminine – Ayurveda and women“

intensive sound- and frequency HEALING

These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part theyve played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity.

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

UT 396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear

RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
link will follow

MI 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) 

FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships

SOL 741 Hz Awakening Intuition
link will follow

LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order
link will follow

For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based!

Music composed by Jandy AKA JezebelDecibel

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

Newsletter 2 - Nov./Dec. 2010

New Consciousness – More well-being

Issue 2 – Nov./Dec. 2010
by Karin Lang

Dear Reader
due to severe family matters this issue is a short one – thanks for your kind understanding ...

Balance your life corner

Healthy foods

Enjoy the festive season with all its treats – just in moderation ...

Inspirational sayings

The universal light
May the light be with you,
may the light guide and guard you,
may the light keep you wll,
so that you may be the light to light up the world of those around you ...

New ancient body-mind-work

The different paths and forms of yoga - part 2

As we have learnt in part 1 hatha yoga has been integrated into raja or astanga yoga. (Note: some sources say that hatha yoga was developped by yogis who changed some parts of raja yoga). As there are a wide range of hatha yoga schools, let's have a deeper look into them.

The traditional forms are:
  1. Vini yoga is traditional hatha yoga at a relaxed pace to meet individual needs
  2. Iyengar yoga is traditional hatha yoga taught by the Indian yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar, he seems to be the first to have introduced yoga in the West and to Western medicine in order to releave pain, Iyengar yoga is the best known form of traditional yoga in the Western world
  3. Sivananda yoga is traditional hatha yoga brought to the West by the Indian yoga master Sivananda
  4. Kriya yoga is traditional hatha yoga after the great Indian master Babaji, it emphasizes a meditative mind while doing a sequence of 18 asanas and a powerful meditation to experience the divine essence. There is also Kriya yoga given to us by Yogananda
  5. Vinyasa yoga is traditional hatha yoga with flowing movements and buddhist awareness
  6. Kundalini yoga is hatha yoga, it emphasizes special asanas (bodywork) and strong pranayamas (breathwork) to awaken our kundalini energy, the vast reservoir of primordial cosmic energy (godess shakti) dormant at the base of our spine, to rise it along our spine, balancing our chakras and activating the pineal gland located in the centre of our head
  7. Tao yoga or the „healing tao“ taught by the tao master Mantak Chia is a combination of hatha yoga, chi gong and ancient Chinese tao exercises. It emphasizes the work with the vital energy (chi or prana) and combining the inner with the outer universe, by increasing and controlling the flow of chi in the body's meridians it enhances rejuvenation, longevity and oneness with all creation, by the way, „tao“ means oneness ...

The more modern forms are:
  1. Luna (moon) yoga is hatha yoga for women to improve fertility and enjoy being a woman
  2. Pregnancy yoga is hatha yoga for pregnant women to support natural delivery
  3. Chakra yoga is hatha yoga to improve the overall energy flow in our chakras and subtle bodies
  4. Diamond yoga is hatha yoga taught by Michael Barnett, it emphasizes opening our heart and contacting our subtle bodies in order to communicate with our true divine essence (the diamond)
  5. Anusara yoga is hatha yoga combined with tantric philosophy taught by John Friend/USA, it emphasizes balanced body postures and „opening to GRACE“
  6. Power yoga is hatha yoga taught by Bryan Kest/USA, it is called „power yoga“ because it brings power and strenght to the body
  7. TriYoga is hatha yoga channeled by Kali Ray/USA, it emphasizes the „flowing“ movements in asanas, pranayamas and mudras (finger position), by being in the „flow“ the thoughts stop and we can experience higher consciousness
  8. you name it ...

Anotherone to mention: Nada yoga emphasizes music and mantras to heal body and mind.

A balanced session of yoga should at least include point 3 asanas (bodywork including proper relaxation), 4 pranayamas (breathwork), 5 pratyahara (mind control), and 6 dharana (meditation). Points 1 and 2 you may practise every day ... and points 7 and 8 you can do in a group or on your own. When you practise yoga it is important to get aware what you really want: do you want to do bodywork and only work on your „outer form“ or do you want to surrender your ego-self to the divine self and work on your „inner form“ as well?

Well, I hope all your confusion about yoga has been swept away now, or?!
You see, yoga is sooo flexible – do it and you will start to enjoy one or the other form of it. Yoga brings healing and transformational power into your life and the life of your loved-ones.

In the next issue you can read about the benefits of proper breathing.

easy-to-do exercises ...

The shoulder tap
This exercise releases tensions in the shoulder-neck-area thus enhancing better circulation of nutriants, oxygen and energy (prana) to your brain and eyes. It is releaving after long computer work or driving a car:
  • stand or sit with spine upright, arms hanging relaxed at the sides of your body
  • with your right hand tap your left shoulder-neck-area as strongly as you like for 1 – 2 minutes
  • take a deep breath and relax in between
  • then tap your right shoulder-neck-area with your left hand for 1 – 2 minutes
  • take another very deep breath and you are fit for life again ...

Did you know?

Water can read and hear – nonsense or fact? Part 2

You still do not believe this? Well, Dr. Emoto has been nominated for the Nobel price for his discovery. You can easily check the impact of different words on yourself. Say aloud „hatred“ and experience how you feel, then say out „love“ and experience how you now feel. Words not only have different meanings but they are different vibrations, that is the reason why water can hear, interesting, isn't it? If you want to read this fascinating book: Water tells us precious things, printed 2001 by IHM, Tokyo

In the next issue you can read what impact this discovery has on the human body.

Enjoy a peaceful and happy Christmas Season

Lots of Love ♥ Light and Laughter

cordially Yours Karin


free monthly newsletter, copy right 2005 with Karin Lang,

Disclaimer: all advise and information given by Karin in this newsletter are informative and have been checked carefully. Karin may not be hold responsible for any harm done due to the use or mis-use of an advise given. Neither is Karin responsible for the contents of the readers inputs as these inputs reflect the readers opinions and experiences.

Montag, 20. September 2010

Newsletter 1 - Sept./Oct. 2010

New Consciousness – More Well-being

Issue 1 - September/October 2010
by Karin Lang

Topic of the month

The importance of listening – become a good listener

There is an old saying, maybe you know it: „talking is silver, listening is gold“. For me silver seems to be kind of cold and gold seems to be warm and comforting ... The gold of listening and in becoming a good listener is not talking yourself and awareness. Awareness means that you are fully in the present moment (not regretting the past and not worrying about the future) and not think about what you are going to cook in the evening or where to buy tea and when making that phone call but instead that you concentrate on the person vis à vis.

a) Listen to others like your partner, child, client, colleague or friend ...
In the end it doesn't matter, who you are listening to. Remember, they all have their unique story or individual problem to tell. And by telling it, they already can let go of some of the unbalanced emotions. Note: even great joy is an unbalanced emotion because it brings you out of your natural equilibrium. So listen with awareness, open your heart that makes it easier for you to accept that others have a right to their own version of reality, and concentrate on the person who talks to you. Look between her/his eyes and if you feel like it, you may say „yes“ or „go on“ or something like it but most of all do not interrupt, unless it is really very, very important (you can make some short notes, but better keep in mind what you want to say). If the person opposite to you starts to cry or weep while telling his/her experience, let him/her cry, you might give him/her a hankie and say „it's okay, you are safe, let go“ ... Crying is very helpful in releasing stored and blocked emotions.

Especially we women tend to talk not primarily to get a solution but for talking it out of our heads and hearts. So, if our male partners start to understand this female behavior better, they do not feel forced to give us a solution for all our small daily challenges. Instead they just can relax and listen with awareness, giving us the feeling of being heard and accepted ...

b) Last but not least listen to yourself, your inner voice
The best adviser for cooping with all kind of challenges is our inner wisdom. To hear that little, quiet voice inside of us, we have to calm our mind – so we have to stop chatting non-stop to ourselves and listen instead to the voice of wisdom from inside. Or in other words – we should stop thinking and start perceiving … A very good training for our noisy mind to start listening to the wisdom of our inner voice is meditation. Read about the life changing topic of meditation in the next issue.

The balance your life corner

Healthy foods

Eat fruits and fruit juice alone – why?

Well, the title might astonish some of you but there are simple facts that most of us do not know about our body and foods especially fruits.

Fresh, ripe fruits are very healthy and give us an instant energy boost. They consist of vital enzymes, vitamins, minerals, easy to digest carbohydrates (simple fruit sugar), very little protein and lots of water. Therefore our body does not need all the acids and digestion fluids that are being collected in our stomach for pre-digestion of other foods. Our body digests fruits directly in the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine coming directly behind the stomach).

Fruits do not need a pre-digestion in the stomach, as they consist mainly of water and simple carbohydrates. Therefore, fruits like to pass our stomach without delay (approx. in 30 minutes), but this delay occurs when we eat other foods with fruits together. These other foods are being pre-digested in the stomach for 2 to 3 hours (or even longer if we have eaten protein combined with fat like in read meat). As the stomach only empties itself if everything has been pre-digested, the fruits that we had together with our meal have to wait for 2 to 4 hours in the stomach. As fruits consist of easy to digest carbohydrates (simple fruit sugar), they start to ferment in our stomach that is mostly acid in order to pre-digest protein. In addition to this, the fermenting is hindering the proper pre-digestion of all the other foods collected in our stomach resulting in build-up of toxic acid waste and intestinal gas. The fruits that would normally alkalize, nourish and cleanse our body thus become a source of acidosis, toxicity and indigestion ... well, what a mess!

To benefit from all the goodies in fruits, there is a very easy way to avoid this indigestion: eat fruits and fruit juice alone, meaning more than 30 minutes before your meal or 3 to 4 hours after your meal – it's as easy at this! The basic rule is: „eat fruit alone or leave it alone“.

You can support your body even more, by avoiding to mix sweet and sour fruits. As sweet fruits are extremely high in easy to digest carbohydrates (fruit sugar), they need a little longer for digestion than sour fruits. For example: bananas and dried fruits like dates and figs are a complete and healthy meal on its own, they are packed with lots of vitamins, minerals and lots of energizing fruits sugar. The best way is to eat one kind of fruits at a time or only mix sweet with sweet, sour with sour and neutral with neutral fruits.

You can read more about this and other interesting facts regarding a balanced nutrition of body and mind in my book „open your wings and fly ... ancient Ayurveda combined with modern research for a holistic life“.

In the next issue you can read about the differences between white flour and whole grain products and the effect both have on our body.

New ancient body-mind-work

The different paths and forms of yoga - part 1

As this is the 1st issue let's start with the basics. People often ask me „what does hatha or kundalini or raja yoga mean, where is the difference?“ I have to admit that all these different names are confusing and not easy to understand, at least it took me some years to get behind the meanings. Still today, there are different teachers and different explanations, so I will make a complicated matter easy to understand, now here comes my understanding …

Yoga means union with all creation. Its aim is to make us (our small ego-mind) aware of the true divine essence that we really are and to unite us (our divine essence) with the mighty intelligence of creation thus experiencing bliss while still alive in our material body. To experience bliss, first of all you have to unite yourself meaning your body, mind, and spirit by doing special exercises and behave in a balanced way. Over thousands of years this science of union was practiced especially in India. The complete yoga system consists of the following paths or forms, all having the goal to prepare the consciousness for enlightenment:

the physical path is called hatha yoga
it deals primarily with the physical body by emphasizing asanas (bodywork) and pranayamas (breath work) to prepare body and mind for meditation. Hatha yoga may be the best known form of yoga in the Western world and its main goal is to balance the energy flow throughout the body. As it emphasizes asanas and pranayama, people often think these two aspects are called hatha. But „ha-tha“ means sun-moon, it is the union of these opposites, it blends the sun-male-active energy (ha) with the moon-female-receptive energy (tha) ...

the active path called karma yoga
it comprises selfless work and service without wanting reward by which the mind is most quickly purified and transcended and the ego and its attachments to the material world is eliminated ...

the devotional path called bhakti yoga
it emphasizes self-control and religious observance, through prayer, chanting, repeating mantras (holy words), and meditation emotional energy is channeled into devotion, turning anger, hatred and jealousy into love for all creation, in the end emotional love is changed into pure divine love and bliss ... I consider mantra yoga (repeating (japa) universal holy words (mantra)) and laya yoga (devoted to god) to be another kind of bhakti yoga ...

the philosophical or wisdom path called jnana yoga
it emphasizes the intellectual approach to spiritual evolution and describes the material world as an illusion, or „maya“. A sharp mind and intellect is needed to study the ancient scriptures.

As far as I understand, about 200 b.c. (some sources say about 800 b.c.) the ancient Indian master Patanjali combined hatha, bhakti, karma and jnana yoga and all the ancient yoga wisdom in his scripture the „yoga sutras“, also known as the 8-folded path or astanga yoga, meaning step-by-step. Patanjali defined yoga as „the stopping of all thoughts“. The „yoga sutras“ have been recognized by all yoga schools. To make the mix-up complete astanga yoga is also called raja yoga, raja meaning royal or mastership over mind and senses. Astanga or raja yoga emphasizes mainly the mental control and prescribes a psychological approach to release the latent potential of our vast mental and psychic resources by eight steps:

1. yamas meaning social and ethical self-control like truth, non-violence not harming anyone by thought, word or action, control of sexual energy, non-stealing, non-greed

2. niyamas meaning personal self-observances like purity (balanced food), contentment, study, surrender of ego, balanced thinking

3. asanas meaning control of the physical body by focusing the mind on the body and doing gentle but powerful steady poses with relaxation (savasana) in between and at the end

4. pranayamas meaning control as well as increase of vital energy (prana) by breathing exercises to cleanse and energize body and mind, in order to prepare them for meditation, note: prana is the „link“ between body and consciousness …

5. pratyahara meaning control of the mind by correct use and withdrawal of the 5 senses from distraction and turning the mind upon itself (a kind of meditation that reduces stress)

6. dharana meaning concentration of the restless mind by focusing on one point of the body or on an object (a kind of meditation that reduces stress)

7. dhyana meaning higher level of meditation by keeping the awareness at one object for a long time (one hour or longer) thus becoming one with the object and understanding it

8. samadhi meaning profound meditation coming into the super-conscious state which leads to inner illumination, the ecstasy of the true knowledge of reality and bliss – samadhi is the goal of every yoga practice.

You can read part 2 in issue 2 – November and December 2010 …

easy-to-do exercises ...

The shoulder tap
This exercise releases tensions in the shoulder-neck-area thus enhancing better circulation of nutrients, oxygen and energy (prana) to your brain and eyes. It is relieving after long computer work or driving a car:
  • stand or sit with spine upright, arms hanging relaxed at the sides of your body
  • with your right hand tap your left shoulder-neck-area as strongly as you like for 2 minutes
  • take a deep breath and relax in between
  • then tap your right shoulder-neck-area with your left hand for 2 minutes
  • take another very deep breath and you are fit for life again ...

The „Did you know?“ corner

Water can read and hear – nonsense or fact? Part 1

The Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto found out that water actually can read and hear. This is no joke but another kind of reality between earth and sky ... To cut the matter short, he spoke different kind of words to the same glas of water, freezing it after-wards and looking at it under a microscope. It was then that he found this astonishing ability of water: the water crystals had changed, depending on the vibration of the word he had spoken to the water. For example: he spoke to the water the word LOVE – beautiful water crystals were formed, when he spoke the word HATRED – the same water formed chaotic crystals that seemed somehow unhealthy and totally unbalanced. The same reaction happened when he played music like Mozart (beautiful water crystals) or heavy metal (chaotic water crystals) to the same glas of water. He looked at water from clear lakes (beautiful water crystals) and from rivers loaded with waste and chemicals (chaotic water crystals).

He placed a white paper with the word love or hatred or similar behind the glas of water and he always got the same result: the more natural and in balance the water or word or vibration was, the more beautiful the structure of water crystals was. And the more unbalanced, toxic and destroyed the water was, the more chaotic and „sick“ the crystals looked.

You still do not believe this? Well, Dr. Emoto received the Nobel price for his discovery. You can easily check the impact of different words on yourself. Say aloud „hatred“ and experience how you feel, now say out „love“ and experience how you now feel. Words not only have different meanings but they are different vibrations, that is the reason why water can hear, interesting, isn't it? If you want to read this fascinating book: Water tells us precious things, printed 2001 by IHM, Tokyo

In the next issue you can read what impact this discovery has on the human body.

And finally an inspirational saying

H u g s
It's amazing what a hug can do.
A hug can cheer you when your blue.
A hug can say „I love you so“ or „I really hate to see you go“.
A hug is „Welcome back again“ and „Great to see you“.
A hug can soothe a small child's pain and bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug! There's just no doubt about it, we scarcely could survive without it.
A hug delights and warms and charms, it must be why God gave us arms.
Never worry about running out of them, the more you give, the more there are of them.
So stretch those arms without delay and give someone a hug today!!

Well, that's it for today folks,
have a wonderful time with
lots of Love ♥ Light and Laughter
cordially Yours Karin


free newsletter, copy right 2005 with Karin Lang,

all advise and information given by Karin in this newsletter are informative and have been checked carefully. Karin may not be hold responsible for any harm done due to the use or mis-use of an advise given. Neither is Karin responsible for the contents of the readers inputs as these inputs reflect the readers opinions and experiences.

Sonntag, 15. August 2010

new consciousness and human awakening

This Awakening is a spiritual process of becoming fully conscious - I get aware that I am more than a human being. Everyone – including YOU and me – is everlasting Spirit, a spark of the divine consciousness we call God (or any other name you prefer). Awakening means: to recognize that I am a human angel (as Tobias of the Crimson Council likes to call it - see below) who wants to make experiences on planet earth.

This process is all about integrating all the divine parts of my soul that did not incarnate with me during birth into my human being. Furthermore, parts that have been denied for many life times or have been separated from myself are being re-united. For this process it is necessary to expand my whole being, to let go of judging myself and others as well as to forgive myself and others. The fully awakened human being has integrated his/her divinity into his/her human being.

New Consciousness means that we get aware or conscious that we are much more than our body or our mind or our emotions ... we are eternal beings of pure consciousness living in a physical body to experience life on planet earth through our five senses ... to learn from experiences, to feel and to evolve ...

New Energy assists us at this important process. The earth and all humankind are experiencing a unique change or shift of consciousness since the last years. Some people are aware of this change and others are not. Nevertheless, together we travel from the old energy of duality or opposites into the New Energy that expands into all directions. In the New Energy everything works differently, totally different from what we are use to – including healing. The New Energy is all about expanding, letting go and being aware. It is about re-uniting opposites and balancing. Blocked energies are being balanced and start to flow again, thus changing the body and our whole life …

Unnoticed by most of us this Quantum Leap took place on September 18, 2007. It is the evolution of human consciousness. That is what is shifting. We may now carry the full creative energy of our spiritual being within our human being (so we do not need to die in order to separate our spiritual being from our human body). This evolutionary process is the so-called ascension. The days ahead can be filled with joy and passion, if we accept the challenge to carry and use these powers wisely ... 

The evolutionary path of humanity is about to turn into an exciting ride, as we have capabilities in front of us that have never before been. Now we have the possiblity to consciously choose to take the next step into our personal empowerment. By the way, this evolutionary leap is due to the mutual (unconscious) choice of all humankind.  With that leap comes a new responsibility, for to integrate this power into our human being it must be balanced with responsibility. So let´s begin by loving ourselves and taking responsibility for our own life …

Admitted it is not easy being humans: We knew that we were going to play this game of a spiritual being living in a human body in the dimension of duality. For we saw things as up and down, right and wrong, love and fear. Now our consciousness is moving into the dimension of triality where the good and bad are balanced by the new connection of the higher-self. Now things are starting to take on new shapes. Our perception broadens, we discover new things and we have new capabilities that we did not have only a short time ago.

So awaken from the dream of being only human - it is time to integrate our creative power right where we are in this beautiful bubble of biology that we call the human being and let our true light shine …

There are three simple re-minders: love yourself and take responsibility for your own happiness, treat each other with the greatest respect, and re-member that it is a beautiful game to make experiences ...

The most important thing is to love and accept yourself. Start with accepting your life as a precious gift. This is a first step into the New Energy. If you are ready for a change then, make a conscious choice ... (also refer to self-empowerment under activities). As healing facilitator and Teacher of the New Consciousness I will gladly assist you on your personal path of growth and freedom ... Welcome HOME

also refer to: 

About the Crimson Circle    
The Crimson Circle was established on July 16, 2006 by Adamus Saint-Germain. The Crimson Circle is a spiritual Order of the New Energy for the teachers of the earth. The new teachers assist people in integrating the divine into their human being ...
The members of the Crimson Circle are humans, the members of the Crimson Council are non-physical angelic beings and ascended masters like Tobias, Yeshua, Kwan Yin, Saint-Germain, Ohamah, Kuthumi and Kryon as well as many archangels like archangel Michael and Rafael.

The members of the Crimson Circle work together with the Crimson Council. To make this teamwork more effective each human member of the Crimson Circle has his/her own „runner“. This non-physical being assists his/her human in the integration of the new consciousness and in his/her work with others.

The members of the Order of the Crimson Circle who have been initiated by Saint-Germain are called a Standard of the New Energy (meaning he or she is an example for others), their principles are:
The Way of the Standard begins with Self
1. Love yourself.
2. Follow your own truth.
3.Trust yourself.
4. Accept the way of abundance in every form.
The Way of the Standard is also about Creation
1. Take responsibility for your own creation.
2. Give your own creations life and freedom.
3. You want to breathe life into every creation.
4. I integrate Gnost into my life, it is the solution before the answer, it bridges the divine and the human.
The Way of the Standard is also about Life
1. Choose life every moment and every breath. To choose that you are here on Earth at this incredible time, this shift into the New Energy.
2. Have compassion for everything and compassion for yourself first of all.
3. Accept the blessings of life. There are many. Life is here to serve you.
4. Honoring life as you honor yourself.
The Way of the Standard is also about Teachers
1. Be a teacher to all who come to you ...
2. Understand that you are a teacher of joy.
3. The Standard also teaches without expectation of reward.
4. Teach deh un gnost, the long forgotten creative energy.
Note: the original text can be found at

Note to all texts by Tobias or Saint-Germain:
Tobias of the Crimson Council is presented by Geoffrey Hoppe, aka "Cauldre," in Golden, Colorado. The story of Tobias, from the biblical Book of Tobit, can be found on the Crimson Circle web site at The Tobias Materials have been offered free of charge to lightworkers and Shaumbra around the world since August 1999, the time when Tobias said humanity moved past the potential of destruction and into the New Energy.

The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy. As they experience the joys and challenges of the ascension status, they help other humans on their journeys through sharing, caring and guiding. Over 50,000 visitors come to the Crimson Circle web site each month to read the latest materials and discuss their own experiences.

The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Tobias presents the latest information through Geoffrey Hoppe. Tobias states that he and the others of the celestial Crimson Council are actually channeling the humans. According to Tobias, they are reading our energies and translating our own information back to us so we can see it from the outside, while experiencing it on the inside. The "Shoud" is the portion of the channeling where Tobias steps aside and the energy of the humans is channeled directly by Geoffrey Hoppe.

Crimson Circle gatherings are open to the public. The Crimson Circle receives its abundance through the open love and gifting of Shaumbra throughout the world.
The ultimate purpose of the Crimson Circle is to serve as human guides and teachers to those walking the path of inner spiritual awakening. This is not an evangelical mission. Rather, the inner light will guide people to your doorstep for your compassion and care. You will know what to do and teach in that moment, when the unique and precious human who is about to embark on the journey of the Bridge of Swords comes to you.

If you are reading this and feel a sense of truth and connection, you are indeed Shaumbra. You are a teacher and a human guide. Allow the seed of divinity to blossom within you in this moment and for all times to come. You are never alone, for there is family around the world and angels in the realms around you.

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© Copyright 2006 Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, CO 80403